A little more Transgendered education

Aside from the facts about transgendered people seen above i thought i'd post some general do's and don'ts when talking to or dating a transgendered person. These are more specific to trans women but many apply to trans men to.


Don't treat us like one of the guys we are women. Being born geneicly male doesn't mean we are now we want to be treated the same way you treat any other woman.

Don't ask us do you still have your cock? or any other word for it atleast not right away. If you think you might become intimate with a trans woman then it may be something to bring up but be respectful. Just know if you are dating a trans woman she may be post op, pre op or even non op. If you are not comfortable with these possibilities then you may want to look elsewhere.

If you do become intimate with a preop woman don't ask her to fuck you in the ass. We are not gay men. If you want that try a gay man you'll have better luck. And if the woman is on hormones there is a good chance she wouldn't be able to anyway.

Don't ask What was your name when you were a guy? That was the past, we may tell you sometime but don't expect it.

Do educate yourself on what transgendered means.
Do treat us like any other woman you date and not like a guy.
Do think of us as women not a gay man.


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