
Showing posts from December, 2017

A new American Girls Doll

As i posted in an earlier post, growing up i always loved the American Girl Dolls. Sadly being seen as a boy i never got to own one or have a matching outfit or have the experience that so many girls my age had. Today American Girls introduced a new doll after my own hear. Luciana Vega an 11 year old girl who wants to be an astronaut. Besides the basic (and in my opinion really cute )dress seen here she will have a space suit and a Space Camp flight suit as well as space themed accessories available. As I've said before I always wanted to be an astronaut growing up. Imagine that news story "First Transgendered Astronaut". I also attended Space Camp 7 times so needless to say Luciana is the American Girl doll i always wanted but never existed until now.

Christmas Morning

In a previous post i talked about Christmas eve and my dreams crushed so many years. Every Christmas eve when I would fall asleep dreaming i'd either wake up to find i was really a girl and i'd go out to find Santa had brought me the right presents or that my family would figure out i was a girls and i'd wake up to new clothes, new toys and the start of a new life under my tree. Every year i was disappointed. The year after my secret was discovered i'd hoped my dad might come to his senses and make it all alright sadly none of this ever happened. Just the dreams of a little girl trapped in the body of a boy.


Growing up Christmas was always a big family event. Christmas eve was spent at my dad's parents for dinner, family and presents. Christmas Day was spent at home then Christmas night we went to my mom's parents for more of the same. Growing up my brother and I were never hurting for presents and we usually got what we asked for and even if we didn't we usually forgot when we saw everything we did get. Toy wise growing up my Christmas list were typical boy toys. As i said even if my mind said i was a girl i was still a boy on the outside and a tomboy in my interests. However I had mostly female cousins growing up nd i did envy them getting pretty new clothes, and dolls and getting to wear the pretty Christmas dresses like this one. I wished i could have been among them. As they got older the toys and clothes turned into clothes and makeup and more grown up girly gifts and i envied it even more. One of my maybe stranger memories of envy was a gift my grandparents gave to...

Angel's, The Virgin Mary and Christmas plays

Growing up i was in a few Christmas plays. Going to church and going to a private Christian elementary school I did not have a lot of choice. But i never got to play the roles I really wanted to play. Two years come to mind especially. One year in a church play i was cast to play Joseph. For most boys this would be great it was a lead role. But even then deep down inside I knew i wanted to be Mary. Of course that would never happen and I played i think a decent Joseph even if i had a slight wardrobe malfunction with the head piece i was wearing and probably got a few laughs when i had to get the pastor who was sitting to the side of the stage to help put it back on. The other year was for an elementary school play. Every class was divided up into groups based on boys and girls and age. Boys were the three wise men, shepherds, and lions. Girls were Camels, stars, lambs, and angels. I was a shepherd one of only a few with a speaking part. The girls in my class were lambs but i...

Disney Dreams

I will admit I have always been a Disney girl. Loved Disney princesses from when i was little and was watching the classic Disney movies. My wife and I even had our honeymoon though not our wedding in Disney World. My dream wedding however would have been a Disney wedding with me as the bride marrying a handsome man who would be my Prince Charming. Me wearing a beautiful ball gown style dress riding in the Cinderella carriage and feeling like a princess. It is a fantasy of most girls. I was watching Disney Fairy Tale weddings tonight and saw two women have this dream come true. I'm both jealous and depressed and loved it all at the same time.

A little more Transgendered education

Aside from the facts about transgendered people seen above i thought i'd post some general do's and don'ts when talking to or dating a transgendered person. These are more specific to trans women but many apply to trans men to. Don'ts Don't treat us like one of the guys we are women. Being born geneicly male doesn't mean we are now we want to be treated the same way you treat any other woman. Don't ask us do you still have your cock? or any other word for it atleast not right away. If you think you might become intimate with a trans woman then it may be something to bring up but be respectful. Just know if you are dating a trans woman she may be post op, pre op or even non op. If you are not comfortable with these possibilities then you may want to look elsewhere. If you do become intimate with a preop woman don't ask her to fuck you in the ass. We are not gay men. If you want that try a gay man you'll have better luck. And if the woman is ...