I get married

In 2000 when i was still recovering from my battle with cancer i met a woman named Lori online. We started chatting. We lived in different states more then 10 hours drive apart but we started falling in love. It took several years but i asked her to mary me. She had no idea about me wanting to be a woman, or being bisexual, or my history with men etc. To this day she still doesn't.

I was in love with her enough that i decided at that point to put my deepest desire to be a woman aside and spend my life with her. She made it clear she was not interested in women trans or otherwise, But i went through with it and in early 2009 we were married. Even as i stood at the alte though i felt i should be the bride walking sown the isle. I married her as a man and i wore a tux but the above picture of two women getting married i feel expresses the way i really felt on that wedding day.

I love her i plan to spend my life with her but part of me still desires to find a way to become who i really am. One day i hope it might still happen. This is not the end of my story however though the narration will become less. There will still be some stories of my life, as well as comments on trans issues and other topics. But this blog will continue.

I started this as a way to put my story down in written form. And I hope those reading it have enjoyed it so far. Please keep reading as my story continues.


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