My World Turned upside down
I was 19 years old. Enjoying a year off before i planned to start college and transition into living as a woman full time. Then a series of events happened that spiraled down hill and set me back many years. First i lost my job. Not a big loss as i hated the place and its only bad side to losing it was i had no money coming in. Thankfully i was living at home so not a big problem but my bank account was getting pretty thin. Then i got into a relationship with a married woman a relationship that was obviously not healthy. The one upside to that relationship was she liked me dressed in women's clothes and in some ways was my first lesbian experience. But that quickly ended. I found a new job at a local amusement park and was looking forward to working their throughout the summer but their was still another problem.
In the early spring on 1999 my left leg seemed to be getting weak and occasionally giving out on me. I had injured it severely several years earlier and it occasionally acted up so i didn't think much of it but it wasn't getting better. My first day on the new job it gave out on me and i fell breaking my arm. I was sidelined by this and unable to go back to work and struggling to get insurance figured out. Once it was straightened out i went to the doctor to have the leg checked out. Two doctors could find nothing wrong with it. So they looked at my spine and found a tumor. I was sent to a better hospital for more tests which led to surgery and a diagnosis of cancer. I spent 3,5 weeks in the hospital recovering losing 35 pounds in the mean time. My only thought was of the fight ahead the radiation and possibly chemo i would have to endure. And i could barely walk with a walker or sometimes cane. But I assumed my life would return to normal once i was home though it would be a long road ahead. I had no idea what I would find when i got home or how it would set me back. More to come on this next time.
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