
Showing posts from April, 2018

God doesn't make mistakes

I have been told by so many people when they learned i was trans that God doesn't make mistakes. My own father who is not religious even told me this. I was raised Christian and i still am and always will be a Christian. So how do i reconcile this? I fully agree God does not make mistakes. I am not a mistake. I am part of his creation. He created me to be transgendered. He has a plan for me and my life even if i don't know exactly what that plan is. Being trans is not a mistake it is part of being human for some people. Some people are male some are female and some like myself are something in between. It does not make us a mistake it just makes us something a little different. We bridge the gender spectrum. We can never be fully the gender we feel we are as we will never be able to reproduce as our preferred gender and our genetics will always be the gender of our birth but we can live the life of that gender and have the perspective of our birth gender. We can see both sid...

Easter Dresses

Growing up in a Christian family Easter was always a big church day. IT is considered to be the most important holiday in the church calender. And for girls and women it was always a day to wear a pretty new spring dress to church. I have attended churches where the dress code was casual and people came in jeans and tshirts to some services but on Easter everyone always dressed in their best. I remember when i was younder seeing my female cousins in their pretty new dresses. Going toi church and seeing other girls in their pretty new dresses and the same for women as i grew up. At the same time i knew I whould be wearing a pretty new dress but always forced to wear a dress shirt tie and pants. Later in life i realized I'd never have been welcome in most of those churches in a dress. To them I was a boy. Boy's don't wear dresses. But in my heart I always knew better.